The Internet and the use of multi-media has had a great impact on all of our lives. From our education system, to our entertainment system! It has also forced many of us in the marketing and information fields to expand our abilities as well as give us endless resources for our creativity. 

The purpose of Darklord Media is to provide a showcase for myself and some of my talented partners. From web development and interactive media, to broadcast, corporate, and industrial video production. Our partners in crime bring a total of 70 years of combined experience to bear on your project. 

Please email me for more information and/or to receive a copy of a demo.




Christopher Smith
Big Man on Campus




From the Toledo Museum of Art exhibition.
Photos by Bill Krause and Christopher Smith.


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No part of this website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any electrical, mechanical, photocopying, recording means or otherwise without prior written permission of Darklord Media.  Permission granted for use by search engines and other services which do not and do not intend to charge for pages from this site.  So there. Last modified: 3/031.

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